Saturday 30 May 2015

Disgruntled Nurses...wanting CHANGE!

Disgruntled Nurses looking for CHANGE!

Are you feeling like Nurse Ratched?

  • Grumpy? 
  • Tired? 
  • Over the poor pay and political working environment? 
  • Want to do some things for YOU? 
  • Want to spend more time with your family? 
  • Want to take your holidays on your terms?

There IS an answer!

After 20 years of nursing, I too felt exactly like this. The thought of doing another
20 years was almost soul destroying. Not a shift would go by when I didn't hear
nurses complaining about their poor pay and working conditions, and lack of time
with their families. 

I knew that I needed to do something and fast! There was no way I had control of any of the things I've been hearing in the nursing world over the last 20 years!
So I went online and started my search for something that would be potentially life changing!
Something that would allow me time and financial FREEDOM.

The answer?!  

Stepping outside my comfort zone and trying something new was very scary. However I knew I just needed to follow my gut on this one!

I mean let's face it, I'd never run my own business and always been an employee. But the key is, to surround yourself with a team of awesome people, work together at learning the skills and follow the simple system that allows you to create a life YOU design!

It's very important that you resonate with the company. That you have the same vision. 

A really important factor that I considered, was that it needed to be something that would not only change my life, but the lives of others. An opportunity to pay it forward.

I feel so very fortunate and grateful to have found my home in the online business arena.
I have never been more happy, alive, passionate and driven in all my life!

This I believe is a direct result of finding my purpose and aligning myself with the right people to achieve my dreams and goals.

I have now resigned from my 20+ year nursing career and have created an incredible team of people all with the same vision to achieve total freedom in their lives.

So ask yourself this one very important question..

Ever want to be a part of something larger than yourself?

It's divine intervention when you cross paths with someone and they have the same vision inside their heart, the same passion, and the same mission. 

If you are passionate about inner transformation, freedom for humanity, and creating success on all levels in your life connect with me!

We are in the PRE-Launch of something POWERFUL...
Reach out to me and we'll see if our dreams and goals are in alignment.
I believe in you.

Debbie-Jane xx

Here's to YOUR prosperity!

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Work Directly With Me