Monday 22 February 2016

How I Completely Changed My Life

I was stressed, tired and overwhelmed.
I'd worked as a nurse for 20+ years and I was exhausted.
Something needed to change, and FAST!

Read my story here 
It doesn't have to be a struggle. There is a better way. You've just got to want it bad enough!

Here's to you creating greatness in your life!

Prosperity Coach and Change Angel
Living With Passion and Purpose

Monday 8 June 2015

'Botox in a bottle' - Look Younger

WOW! Look 10 years younger in under 2 minutes. Lasts up to 9 hours.

This is an all natural, non-toxic, no needles approach to looking younger.
It's taking the cosmetic world by storm!

Feel free to message me if you'd like more info or if you'd like to
work with me personally.

Debbie Tranter

A Younger Healthier You

Saturday 30 May 2015

Disgruntled Nurses...wanting CHANGE!

Disgruntled Nurses looking for CHANGE!

Are you feeling like Nurse Ratched?

  • Grumpy? 
  • Tired? 
  • Over the poor pay and political working environment? 
  • Want to do some things for YOU? 
  • Want to spend more time with your family? 
  • Want to take your holidays on your terms?

There IS an answer!

After 20 years of nursing, I too felt exactly like this. The thought of doing another
20 years was almost soul destroying. Not a shift would go by when I didn't hear
nurses complaining about their poor pay and working conditions, and lack of time
with their families. 

I knew that I needed to do something and fast! There was no way I had control of any of the things I've been hearing in the nursing world over the last 20 years!
So I went online and started my search for something that would be potentially life changing!
Something that would allow me time and financial FREEDOM.

The answer?!  

Stepping outside my comfort zone and trying something new was very scary. However I knew I just needed to follow my gut on this one!

I mean let's face it, I'd never run my own business and always been an employee. But the key is, to surround yourself with a team of awesome people, work together at learning the skills and follow the simple system that allows you to create a life YOU design!

It's very important that you resonate with the company. That you have the same vision. 

A really important factor that I considered, was that it needed to be something that would not only change my life, but the lives of others. An opportunity to pay it forward.

I feel so very fortunate and grateful to have found my home in the online business arena.
I have never been more happy, alive, passionate and driven in all my life!

This I believe is a direct result of finding my purpose and aligning myself with the right people to achieve my dreams and goals.

I have now resigned from my 20+ year nursing career and have created an incredible team of people all with the same vision to achieve total freedom in their lives.

So ask yourself this one very important question..

Ever want to be a part of something larger than yourself?

It's divine intervention when you cross paths with someone and they have the same vision inside their heart, the same passion, and the same mission. 

If you are passionate about inner transformation, freedom for humanity, and creating success on all levels in your life connect with me!

We are in the PRE-Launch of something POWERFUL...
Reach out to me and we'll see if our dreams and goals are in alignment.
I believe in you.

Debbie-Jane xx

Here's to YOUR prosperity!

Connect with me on FACEBOOK
Work Directly With Me

Thursday 12 March 2015

The Law of Attraction

Imagine an alternate dimension that is almost exactly like the real world but whatever you truly desire comes true in an instant.

See yourself in that dimension, where whatever you ask the Universe for comes to you in an instant.

Don't look for what you asked for; this is where people tend to mess up. If you have to keep an eye out for an event that manifests your wish, it's only telling the Universe you don't have it and you will attract...not having it.

Be patient. Don't get upset if these things don't happen immediately. Don't stress the "how" of things. Let the Universe do it for you. When you take the Universe's job of worrying about the "how", this says you're lacking faith and that you're telling the Universe what to do when the Universe has far greater knowledge and power than human mankind.

Remember, thoughts become things!

So go about your day today believing and in a state of gratitude as though you've already received your request.

Get excited about your life as you practice this method daily.

Make it an awesome day!

Debbie :)

Monday 24 November 2014

What You Think About You Bring About

☆☆ What You Think About You Bring About ☆☆

I made this video earlier this year and it astounds me the ongoing 
transformation in my life following these principles.  
Change your word tracks and start feeling the difference in your life! ♡

Have a beautiful day!

Debbie Tranter :)

Sunday 23 November 2014

Finding The Right Home Business

When I started my business I had a few boxes that definitely needed ticking. One really important one was that I wanted it to be life changing. Not just for me, but for the people I introduced to the products and business. Well, last night I was talking to a friend and customer of our products and her results are phenomenal. She said to me that she was so incredibly grateful to me for introducing her to them and only wished she'd found them years ago!

Feedback like this makes me so incredibly grateful to be a part of the right company, and achieving what I set out to change peoples lives.

When you're looking for a home business you really need to ensure it's the right fit for you. Something you can be passionate about. But more importantly,  who is the company, where do they fit in to the industry. Are the products or services stand alone, is it ground floor or will you be competing with multiple other companies all trying to undercut each other.

When you are passionate about your business it shines. People join people. So it's really important to brand yourself within the industry or company. Partnering with the right people to assist you in getting off to a great and prosperous start is also very important.

I have been so incredibly fortunate to have had the most amazing mentors. What does this mean? This means I have leadership, support and constant inspiration which has taken my business to extraordinary levels of success. It also means I get to duplicate what they have taught me and reproduce those results in my team. And they then 'pay it forward'  to their teams and we just keep going from strength to strength!

I ♡ my business!

If you'd like to partner with me and let me help you achieve the results you deserve in your business
Send me an email to and lets connect!

Have an awesome day!

Deb ♡

Sunday 7 September 2014

Dr Nathan Newman - Board Certified Dermatologist, a Cosmetic Surgeon, and a pioneer in stem cell therapy and Regenerative Medicine

 Carrying on a family legacy of internationally renowned physicians, Dr. Nathan Newman is a Board Certified Dermatologist, a Cosmetic Surgeon, and a pioneer in stem cell therapy and Regenerative Medicine.  He is world-renowned for his ground-breaking Stem Cell Lift®, a knife-free, scar-free face lift that restores the 3-dimensional, youthful proportions of the face by restoring proper volume via injections of concentrated stem cells.  His proprietary procedure extracts fat from the patient’s own body, which he then separates and concentrates the stem cells found in the extracted fat, significantly increasing the number of stem cells ratio to fat cells.  The stem cell rich fat is then injected into the desired area of the body for rejuvenation, augmentation, repair or reconstruction.  The Stem Cell Lift® may be performed in less than four hours, under local anesthesia, and requires minimal down time.  By harnessing the natural, regenerative abilities of your own stem-cell rich fat, this revolutionary procedure is redefining surgery with scar-free face lifts, non-surgical nose enhancements, liposuction correction, vaginal rejuvenation and body sculpting, including the face, hands, breasts, buttocks and calves.
Dr. Newman is constantly striving to develop new and advanced methods of achieving natural results, with the least risk and the optimal benefits for each individual patient.  As a pioneer and innovator in the field of regenerative medicine, Dr. Newman continues to expand the application of his innovative Stem Cell Lift® procedure through his cutting-edge stem cell research and clinical applications uses for adult stem cells beyond cosmetic surgery.  These include reconstructive surgery to repair and restore anatomical defects resulting from cancer surgery or trauma; treatment to provide relief to patients who are suffering from autoimmune diseases such as Lichen Sclerosis, a debilitating skin disease; wound healing for chronic ulcers or non-healing wounds and skin defects; and in collaboration with his team of specialists for repair or rejuvenation of injured or aging joints, muscles and tendons.
Dr. Newman’s philosophy of patient care is twofold.  In addition to providing the best possible care with compassion to the whole person, he is dedicated to educating his patients and introducing them to the latest developments in the medical and surgical field.  Dr. Newman utilizes the safest, least invasive and most natural and advanced methods available to produce the most natural looking results.
Dr. Newman has created an entire line of Derma-grade™ skin care products: The Newman Formula™ and a second skin care line based on his proprietary stem cell technology that is redefining youth: Luminesce™.  His sophisticated skin care lines complement and complete a comprehensive approach, for a natural, youthful appearance, while achieving and maintaining healthy skin and the most radiant complexion possible.
Dr. Newman is the founder and Medical Director of the fully accredited, state-of-the-art, and respected Orchid Surgery Center in Beverly Hills, California.  Dr. Newman’s Orchid Surgery Center is the discrete destination for those seeking innovative, advanced and rejuvenating techniques in cosmetic surgery and stem cell therapy.
Dr.  Nathan Newman was educated and trained at the most prestigious medical institutions in the United States.  After attending the University of Southern California (USC), Dr. Newman received his medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.  He completed his internship in internal medicine at UCLA-VA Medical Center in Los Angeles, and his residency in dermatology at Cook County Hospital in Chicago.   He then completed his fellowship through the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery in Riverside, California.  He is Board Certified in Dermatology and specializes in cosmetic surgery and he is on the forefront of stem cell therapy.
Dr. Nathan Newman is published in many prestigious medical journals, a speaker and lecturer at numerous international medical meetings, and is interviewed by international print, radio and television media as recognized authority in applications of adult stem cells.  He has been honored by America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals, as well as the Cambridge Who’s Who for his leadership, dedication and entrepreneurship as a cosmetic surgeon and a pioneer in stem cell technology.

To order Dr Nathan's anti-aging products visit
Contact me on FACEBOOK to get 40% off the RRP

Debbie Tranter :)