Thursday 12 March 2015

The Law of Attraction

Imagine an alternate dimension that is almost exactly like the real world but whatever you truly desire comes true in an instant.

See yourself in that dimension, where whatever you ask the Universe for comes to you in an instant.

Don't look for what you asked for; this is where people tend to mess up. If you have to keep an eye out for an event that manifests your wish, it's only telling the Universe you don't have it and you will attract...not having it.

Be patient. Don't get upset if these things don't happen immediately. Don't stress the "how" of things. Let the Universe do it for you. When you take the Universe's job of worrying about the "how", this says you're lacking faith and that you're telling the Universe what to do when the Universe has far greater knowledge and power than human mankind.

Remember, thoughts become things!

So go about your day today believing and in a state of gratitude as though you've already received your request.

Get excited about your life as you practice this method daily.

Make it an awesome day!

Debbie :)

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