Tuesday 12 March 2013

Be The Best Version Of YOU!

People often start out in January with great vigour. A new weight loss or exercise regimen, a change of job or career, a plan to get your finances in order, a deeper look at relationships with the ones closest to you.  It’s wonderful to watch people setting goals and going for it. Really striving to be ‘The Best Version of YOU!”
Now, why is it that this vigour and passion for change suddenly starts to disappear sometimes as early as February, so only a month after starting out on the journey?
There are many answers to this question . But I believe that having  clear goals in front of you, writing them down and then visualizing what life will look and feel like when you have achieved them is key to your success and saying on track.  I call this my ‘future self’. She is ME! She has achieved all the goals that I set out to achieve and she looks and feels fabulous.  Every day you stay on track is one step closer to your future self.  So keep her/him in the forefront of your mind and keep moving toward your goals.  So, ensure you have clearly defined goals. Make bold decisions that better your life and take serious action daily.  “Be The Best Version of YOU!”

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